General News

We salute HM Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

8th September 2022

The Earlscliffe community is united in profound sorrow at the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.  Her lifetime of service, sense of purpose and honour, and humour in adversity are a beacon in dark times, even moments as dark as this.

A-level results day at Earlscliffe

18th August 2022

Earlscliffe Head teacher Joss Williams was ‘delighted’ with the grades students at the sixth-form college received this year on their A-level and University Foundation Year courses.  ‘This cohort has done remarkably well, despite the awful last few years they have had,’ he said.  ‘We are all very proud of their stories and personal journeys.’ The…

Awards for our Earlscliffe Duke of Edinburgh students

24th June 2022

Earlscliffe students were presented with their Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards this week at a short ceremony. All students achieved their awards with flying colours, after working hard on aspects of volunteering, physical and skill. There was a very wide range of activities involved, including: teaching fellow students to skateboard; working with the School’s influential…

Science trip to the Observatory Science Centre

22nd June 2022

Earlier this week, Earlscliffe Science students visited the Observatory Science Centre in East Sussex . The Observatory Science centre is a research and learning hub for astronomy and physics. Earlscliffe studens were able to conduct University level experiements, utilise the incredible equipment and listen to inspiring lecturs from Scientists and PhD studentss who are based…

Veledictory Celebration

20th June 2022

On Saturday evening, we celebraed the achievements of all of our Year 13, UFY and Business Diploma students at our beautiful Valedictory ceremony. Mr Williams gave a beautiful speech explaining the importance of the achievements, and motivating our students to go on and achieve even more in the coming years. The event was held at…

Escape the Science Room…

9th June 2022

Earlier this year, Earscliffe Physics students have been designing and building an Escape room that will be located in the town centre. Anyone who wants to take part, will have to challenge themselves to beat the fiendish challenges that our students have created and manage to escape the room and find out what happened to…

Guest Lecture from Tim Fish

6th June 2022

Whilst we do have lots of speacilised teachers here at Earlscliffe – we are always very happy to welcome guest speakers and expert in their field. Today was the tuirn of someone who is often at Earlscliffe and who knows the school very well. Tim Fish – Co-Founder, Former Headteacher and Managing Director of Dukes…

Exciting work on Goldschmidt House

16th May 2022

Work has begun in earnest on Earlscliffe new boarding house – Goldschmidt House. Renovation and building work is ongoing and 38 bedrooms will be ready for our new and old students arriving in September. The building is going to give us a huge amount of flexibility – giving students a huge new common room, dining…

Canterbury Printing Trip

13th May 2022

Last week, Earlscliffe ITY Art students travelled to Canterbury to visit a professional printmaker. They produced beautiful artworks which will be used as part of their GCSE portfolio, whilst also having the opportunity to try new techniques and discover how different types of artwork are produced. The visit also included a trip to the Lilford…

Head Teacher’s Newsletter

6th May 2022

Dear members of the Earlscliffe Community, I hope this finds you well.  It is a beautiful spring day here in Folkestone.  Whatever the weather is like where you are, I hope you are enjoying your day. I have been away for a couple of days this week at the Boarding Schools Association Head Teachers’ Conference…