General News

Head Teacher’s Newsletter

28th April 2023

Dear members of the Earlscliffe community,  I hope this finds you well.  Here in Kent, we are looking forward to a weekend at a slightly different pace, as Monday is what is known in the UK as a Bank Holiday.  It means a national holiday, and there will be no lessons on that day.  With…

Women in Business Day

6th April 2023

Finalist of popular UK TV show, The Apprentice with Sir Alan Sugar, was invited to join the Earlscliffe Business Academy in April 2023 to celebrate our “Women in Business” day. Before joining The Apprentice, Kathryn Burn worked various jobs, including event management and mortgage advice. But her burning ambition was always to run her own…

Earlscliffe Ski Trip

6th February 2023

The Earlscliffe students were met by a stunning winter wonderland in Salzburg, ahead of their ski adventure. The group were a mix of Year 11, Year 12and Year 13 students along with excited teachers and staff members who were looking forward to a week of activity outside of the classroom. Each of our skiiers ranged…

Creative Arts Academy

19th January 2023

The Earlscliffe Creative Arts Academy has been busy this academic year! Earlscliffe believes that co-curricular activities and enriching experiences are an essential element of school life. We encourage the development of soft skills that provide an outlet for expression and cultural exchange, as well as supportive content for university applications. Therefore, each Wednesday afternoon students…

Michaelmas Term Newsletter

20th December 2022

EARLSCLIFFE NEWSLETTER We welcomed our biggest-ever cohort of new students to Earlscliffe in September 2022.We were also very excited to show the students the new boarding house. It has proven to be a very popular choice – located only a few minutes walk from the sports centre and park.This year, our students arrived at a moment of…

Head Teacher’s Newsletter

9th December 2022

Dear members of the Earlscliffe community, I hope this finds you well as we lead into the Christmas season. You may know that Christmas is the only time of the year when we ever close the school to students. For half terms and the Easter and Summer holidays, we remain open for students who wish…

Earlscliffe at Wimbledon

28th November 2022

Earlscliffe has a proud tradition of providing students with opportunities to work with companies across a diverse range of industry. Our Business students are encouraged to learn about all sorts of organisations, and some of the pathways to careers within them. As part of this, last week our Yr13 Business and Economics students travelled to London…

Head Teacher’s Newsletter

11th November 2022

Dear members of the Earlscliffe community, Today is Armistice Day in the United Kingdom, Commonwealth, USA and France.  The date marks the end of hostilities in World War One,  and it is just over 100 years since the end of that war.  A war where Napoleonic tactics of ranks of soldiers moving in unison met…

Head Teacher’s Newsletter

15th October 2022

Dear members of the Earlscliffe community, As I write, some of our students are navigating their way around the Kent countryside on the expedition part of their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award.  I hope you have heard about the award scheme.  It is an internationally recognised project, started by the late Duke of Edinburgh, founded…

Head Teacher’s Newsletter

9th September 2022

Dear members of the Earlscliffe community, To both new and older members of the community, I send my best wishes. I will be writing to you regularly with thoughts and updates from the Earlscliffe community.  This is my first letter of this academic year. It is too easy to say that a particular day is…