Empowering tomorrow’s leaders through sport

Posted: 16th May 2024

We are now celebrating the achievements of our first ever Sports leaders.

We are very pleased to announce that our Sports Leaders have officially earned their qualifications! Mrs Norman reflects on their journey with pride!

“They have been nothing short of fabulous,” she says. “From teaching primary school children how to improve their jumping technique to demonstrating exceptional interpersonal skills, this group of eight students has flourished under the programme. In just a few months, they’ve not only honed their physical abilities but have also exhibited remarkable organisational and problem-solving skills.”

The Level 2 Sports Leader qualification is nationally recognised, allowing them to lead sports and physical activities safely and purposefully. Assessment criteria include observation, questioning, as well as the demonstration of planning and evaluation.

The scope of their leadership activities has been very varied, ranging from indoor rock climbing and blindfolded obstacle courses to table tennis competitions and umpiring. Their involvement in PE lessons at local primary schools has been particularly rewarding, fostering community engagement and mentorship.

Reflecting on his experience, Mansur shares, “The Sports Leaders programme has been helpful in developing my leadership skills. It’s been both interesting and fun, and has been beneficial for my university applications.”

At Earlscliffe, we prioritise academic enrichment as well as personal development, offering a range of opportunities for our students to stay active and motivated. Students are also encouraged to participate in the Basketball Academy, football team, “Late Night Gym” sessions, or badminton.

We are also thrilled to announce the addition of the Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sports starting September 2024. Running alongside A-level options, this certification offers students the chance to delve deeper into anatomy, physiology, fitness training, and professional sporting development, equipping them with valuable transferable skills and life experiences. This course combines both practical and theoretical elements and so is a well rounded course for those who are interested in physical performance and the theoretical aspects of Sport and Exercise.

Categories: General News